Board of Directors
Since 1968, local community action agencies have been required to have tripartite governing
boards. Effective tripartite boards reflect and promote the unique antipoverty leadership, action,
and mobilization responsibilities assign by law to community action agencies. Boards are
responsible for assuring that agencies continue to assess and respond to the causes and conditions
of poverty in their community, achieve anticipated family and community outcomes, and remain
administratively and fiscally sound.
The Board is comprised of representatives from three areas in our communities.
Low income Representative (Target Area)
A minimum of one-third of CCAA’s tripartite board membership must be a democratically
elected representative of low-income individuals and families who reside in the service
area of CCAA.
Connie Sue Carroll (Vice Chairman) - Callahan County
Marjorie Isaacs - Runnels County
Dr. Dayna Prochaska (Treasurer/Secretary) - Brown County
Elected Officials or their Representative
One third of the board must be elected officials, holding office at their time of selection,
or their representatives.
Kerri Bill - Comanche County
Stacey Mendoza - Coleman County
Tom Bailey - Eastland County
Representative of major groups and interests in the community (Private Sector)
This board member role is to reflect and involve key interests and resources within the
community to guide agency actions and outcomes.
Mike Corley (Board Chairman) - Brown County
Ken Slimp - Runnels County
Drew Barker - McCulloch County
The Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month, except during the months of July and December.
To request copies of the meeting agendas or minutes, please send a request to mail@cornerstonecaa.org
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting and may need auxiliary aids are
requested to call (325) 625-4167 at least two (2) days prior to the meeting so appropriate
arrangements can be made.