Community Services
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides a range of services to assist low-income individuals in attaining the skills, knowledge, and motivation necessary to achieve self-sufficiency. Individuals can learn computer skills, prepare for the GED, or enroll in classes as an ongoing effort to create lasting change in their lives. Following is a list of services that Cornerstone Community Action Agency provides to the citizens in our communities.
Case Management
Community Gardens
Hunters for the Hungry
To request assistance, please call 325-625-4167.
If you are wanting to apply online, please email your
documents to mail@cornerstonecaa.org

For more information, click on the county you reside in:
Days and Times:
Phone Number:
If we don't provide assistance in the county you live in, click here to be redirected to Texas Department of Health and Community Affairs' website that will allow you to search for the agency that provides similar assistance or call 325-625-4167 and someone will assist you.