Organizational Background and Purpose
Cornerstone Community Action Agency (CCAA), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that assists low- income individuals and families to become more self-sufficient and transition out of poverty.
CCAA is a Community Action Agency which was established in 1965 as a result of Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty”. Cornerstone has a limited, yet efficient staff, so volunteers are heavily relied upon, especially from the low-income communities.
CCAA administers a variety of grants that come from federal, state and local sources such as HOMES Program, Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), and the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC). Cornerstone receives its general funding, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), which acts as an umbrella for all other programs.
CCAA serves over 4,800 individuals annually through a wide array of services. The current programs and services offered are:
Energy Assistance
Veteran's Assistance
Rental Assistance
Job Readiness
Case Management
Hunters for the Hungry
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Poverty Simulation
Families in Transition
CNA Classes
Financial Literacy
Payee Services
Head Start
Early Head Start
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
Cornerstone Community Development
CCAA is always exploring new opportunities to expand services and programs to meet the needs of their customers.