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Vision, Mission, and Values
Vision Statement
To build thriving and self-sufficient communities by creating equal opportunities for all individuals and families.
Mission Statement
A Community in Action, Empowering People, Changing Lives, and Offering Hope to Achieve Self Sufficiency.
Values (The Principles that guide our thoughts and actions)
Integrity. We conduct all business lawfully and with integrity.
Compliance. We strive for 100% compliance.
Honesty. We expect honesty among staff, governing boards, families, and the communities we serve.
Respect. We treat others with dignity, respect, honesty, and sensitivity. We appreciate the value of diversity. Encourage and practice teamwork.
Pride. We strive to instill pride in the character of each individual.
Change. We embrace change. Envision what could be, challenge the status quo, and capitalize on growth opportunities.
People Focus. Understand and develop relationships with people to fully understand and satisfy their needs.
Education and Knowledge. We believe education and knowledge are the foundation for a brighter individual.
Transparency and Accountability. We practice transparency and accountability throughout all organizational practices.
Fulfillment. Produce results that create value to realize your full potential and find fulfillment in your work.
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